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Küpsiste seaded Privaatsuspoliitika Üld- ja tellimistingimused

BOON EDAM Tourniket

Automaatsel Tourniket'il on samasugune kõrge ehituskvaliteet ja energiasäästlikkus nägu Tourniket'il, kuid sellele lisaks pakutakse automatiseeritud toimingut ja intelligentseid turvasüsteeme kasutajate ülima mugavuse nimel.

Tourniket on saadaval 3- voi 4-uksetiivaga mudelina ja on suurema labimõõduga uste puhul tavaliselt automatiseeritud, võimaldades juurdepääsu nii ratastoolis isikutele kui ka suuri esemeid kandvaile jalakäijatele.


  • Three or Four-wing Configuration
  • Original Moderate Throughput Door
  • Easy to fine-tune to the most inspirational designs
  • Automatic or Manual Operation

The Tourniket was the first revolving door we manufactured created in 1903, the Tourniket was originally constructed mainly from timber and had to be operated manually. Since then its construction and the technology within have evolved into a sophisticated and intelligent revolving door. This automatic or manual revolving door is still at the basis of many of the special projects we are involved in as it is an incredibly versatile entry solution. Its engineering quality has been proven again and again in many different buildings and projects.

The Automatic or Manual Revolving Door
The Tourniket is our most versatile revolving door that can be fully customised to reflect your building’s design and functionality. It is available with three or four door wings, with manual or automatic operation and in virtually any colour or finish you can think of.
The Tourniket is also available with a door set that can automatically fold SWING when the disabled access button is pushed. This feature allows easy, unhindered disabled access even in small diameter doors.

Tourniket | Brochure | 2021
Touchless - Revolving Doors | Brochure | 202
Level Up | Brochure | 2021
Safety Norm - EN16005 | Brochure | 2021