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Küpsiste seaded Privaatsuspoliitika Üld- ja tellimistingimused

BOON EDAM Twintour

Twintour on ainulaadne, enneolematu läbilaskevõimega pöördukse kontseptsioon. Twintour pakub kahesuunalist sirgjoonelist labipääsu ja seda kohtab sageli lennujaamades, haiglates, suurtes bürookompleksides ja kaubanduskeskustes.

Twintour on paindlik pöördukse kontseptsioon, mis koosneb kahest või enamast kahe tiivaga pöörduksest, mis pöörlevad uksteise suhtes täisnurga all tänu spetsiaalselt välja töötatud sünkroonsele ajamile ja tagavad selle, et sissepääs on alati tuuletombe vastu kaitstud.

Meie pöörduste seast on Twintour oma energiakulu ja energiasäästu poolest üheks ökonoomsematest ustest.


  • Straight-line Access with Energy-saving Properties
  • Two or More Linked Automatic Revolving Doors in One
  • Extremely High Capacity Throughput
  • Easy to Manoeuvre with Heavy Trolleys

In buildings where extremely large numbers of visitors pass through with trolleys, shopping carts or large luggage every day, the shape of a traditional revolving door can prove to put a limit on the user flow. The movement of the door wings usually forces visitors to walk in a slight circle in order to enter or exit the building. This puts some limit on the capacity of the entrance and can sometimes be difficult to manoeuvre with heavy trolleys. The Twintour is a unique revolving door concept that combines the advantages of straight line access with a spacious entry and the energy-saving properties of a revolving door.

The Unique Twin Revolving Door
The Twintour consists of two or more two-wing automatic revolving doors that are linked to ensure the movement of the door wings is synchronised. Each of the revolving doors can be placed separately to create a passageway that will lead the visitor to their destination. In this way the Twintour can also be used to direct visitors in the required direction and even to separate one incoming flow of users into two different directions.